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Indian Foreign Minister Inaugurates CII?s Jakarta Office
Lembong said he was happy on the launch of the CII office in Indonesia. He stated that in order to improve bilateral economic relations between India and Indonesia an immediate step could be to promote Indian tourism to Indonesia. He also said that Indonesia needs to improve both its imports from India and investment in India.
Pradeep Rawat, Ambassador of India to Indonesia, in his remarks, expressed his happiness over the opening of the CII office on the model of support by Indian and Indonesian industry.
Dhruv Sawhney, Past President, CII and Chairman & Managing Director of Triveni Turbines, stated that CII will be the one-point of contact for Indian industry to collaborate with its counterparts and be part of Indonesia?s growth story and for Indonesian companies to connect with India. Opening of CII?s Jakarta office is part the industry chamber?s new initiative to open offices in select emerging markets to facilitate trade and investment by Indian companies in those countries.
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