How to restart the economy during COVID-19!

Our Prime Minister has spoken. The lockdown has been extended to May 3, 2020. Millions of Indians are feeling let down with the extension of the lockdown. This ?Lockdown? hurt thousands of migrant workers  hard but eased the pressure on the health workers who are hard pressed to handle mounting patients. But how is life going to restart once the lockdown is removed? Do you think it will be business as usual? The lockdown has not solved anything. It has eased the pressure on our healthcare system by limiting the infections. The new normal will begin unfolding once the lockdown is lifted.

It is clear, that the new normal, until the vaccine is made available for citizens, much after the lockdown has been lifted, would include:

  • Home delivery
  • E-commerce
  • Digital banking
  • Video calls and Zoom/Skype meetings
  • Webinars
  • 25 per cent attendance in offices, public transport, public places
  • Sanitisation zones before you enter any commercial establishment
  • 20 per cent of traffic for travel and hospitality and so soaring air fares
  • Retail: 100 per cent essentials and groceries and 25 per cent on other items if not through e-commerce.
  • But with the GDP growth being projected at under 2 per cent, India needs to commence work for economic reasons by insulating itself from the vicious impact of the pandemic.

    Also read:
    Download Ministry of Home Affairs Order.
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    About the Author: A chartered account by qualification, Pratap Padode is the founder of ASAPP Info Global Group and his passion for infrastructure over last 20 years is reflected in the innovative thought leadership through 10 specialised journals, conferences and awards organised in the fields of construction, infrastructure and engineering. CONSTRUCTION WORLD was the first journal that he began with over 20 years ago. Further, he is the Founder & Executive Director of FIRST (Foundation of Infrastructure Research Studies Training), which was set up in 2003, that brings out research reports and newsletters on various infrastructure segments. He received the CIDC Vishwakarma Award 2010 for his research in the construction sector. Since early 2014, he has been promoting the cause of smart cities in India and is now Founder & Executive Director of the Smart Cities Council Ind

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